The Montecristo White Series Vintage Connecticut cigars are a stellar continuation of the beloved Montecristo White Series, offering a mellow smoke that's both sophisticated and subtly sweet. This cigar is designed to appeal to a wide range of aficionados, delivering a refined, nuanced experience. The blend within these cigars is a masterpiece, featuring top-shelf tobaccos. The filler and binder come from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Peru, creating a harmonious blend that balances flavor and complexity. However, it's the silky-smooth 100% USA-grown Connecticut wrapper leaf, cultivated in the Connecticut River Valley, that truly distinguishes this cigar. Its lush, golden-brown appearance is a testament to the care taken in its cultivation.
This exquisite combination of tobacco results in a rich, flavorful, sophisticated, and elegant smoke that captivates the palate and senses. If you're in search of an exceptional smoking experience, look no further than Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut. These cigars are created by a team of highly skilled cigar makers from Tabacalera de García, known as Grupo de Maestros. With centuries of combined experience and a deep passion for their craft, they've brought to life a remarkable cigar. The tobacco used is sourced from Montecristo's own farms in the Connecticut River Valley, where they benefit from the region's unique climate and conditions. Each Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut box contains 20 of these premium hand-rolled cigars, presented in a sleek, hand-painted box. When you open your humidor to find these cigars, you'll undoubtedly be pleased with the exceptional quality they represent. Experience the elegance and artistry of Montecristo with the White Series Vintage Connecticut cigars, available at the best prices online from Cigar Country.
Unique Blend Attributes: A sophisticated cigar made with the very finest wrapper leaves grown carefully on Montecristo's company farms.
Strength Profile: Mild to medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Fragrant and compelling notes of vanilla, hazelnut, and espresso balanced against hints of light spice, making it an easygoing yet exciting premium-cigar experience."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut multiple 85+ point ratings.
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: Grupo de Maestros
Owner: Altadis USA
There are only three sizes: Double Corona, Belicoso, and Corona. Too many choices? Please narrow your search by using our filter options. If you're uncertain as to which blend to buy, then try a sampler instead! You could also try the White Series. To see all blends by this brand, please visit Montecristo Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other mild to medium-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
3 Cigars
Montecristo White Series Vintage Connecticut No. 3
Box of 20 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $246.40.$221.72Current price is: $221.72.
Montecristo White Series Vintage Connecticut No. 2
Box of 20 | 50 x 6Original price was: $340.20.$306.18Current price is: $306.18.
Montecristo White Vintage Connecticut Double Corona
Box of 20 | 50 x 6 1/4Original price was: $293.20.$263.95Current price is: $263.95.