The Montecristo Epic 07 cigar box is a testament to the artistry and dedication of Tabacalera de Garcia's Grupo de Maestros, a team of extraordinarily skilled and accomplished cigar makers with centuries of combined experience. Their passion for the craft shines through in every aspect of this exceptional cigar. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail and unwavering devotion, the Montecristo Epic 07 boasts a blend of the finest aged Nicaraguan and Dominican long-filler tobaccos. These premium tobaccos are elegantly encased in a spicy Nicaraguan binder and wrapped in a stunning Ecuador Habano leaf wrapper. The result is a fuller-bodied Montecristo cigar that delivers a robust and immensely flavorful smoking experience.
The Montecristo Epic 07 cigar box is a super-premium masterpiece that embodies uniqueness and selectiveness. Each cigar is created with the utmost care, featuring the finest vintage tobaccos that undergo rigorous hand inspection to ensure unrivaled quality. This dedication to excellence is reflected in the limited availability of only three sizes: Toro, Churchill, and Robusto. Whether you choose to savor it after a hearty meal or on a special occasion, the Montecristo Epic 07 promises a superior, hand-rolled cigar experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. Purchase these exceptional cigars directly from the Dominican Republic, ensuring that you have access to this exclusive masterpiece. When you open your humidor and find the Montecristo Epic 07, excitement will undoubtedly follow as you prepare to enjoy a cigar of unparalleled quality and distinction. Get yours today at the best prices online, exclusively at Cigar Country.
Unique Blend Attributes: The full-body Montecristo cigar box of 10 is beautifully lacquered and includes a certificate of authenticity signed by the artisans at every key step during the making of this exquisite cigar.
Strength Profile: Full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Montecristo Epic's draw elicits wonderfully rich notes of chocolate, nuts, and coffee balanced against fruit, and caramel. Surprisingly, a wonderfully round and aromatic smoke."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Montecristo Premium Selection 07 multiple 90+ point ratings for "Outstanding".
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: Grupo de Maestros
Owner: Altadis USA
For a milder blend, try the Original Series instead. To see all blends other than Montecristo Epic by this brand, please visit Montecristo Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
3 Cigars
Montecristo Epic Toro
Box of 10 | 52 x 6Original price was: $180.53.$162.49Current price is: $162.49.
Montecristo Epic Robusto
Box of 10 | 52 x 5Original price was: $178.44.$160.62Current price is: $160.62.
Montecristo Epic Churchill
Box of 10 | 56 x 7Original price was: $200.71.$180.65Current price is: $180.65.