Matilde Serena cigars are mild to medium-bodied, perfect for beginners or anyone who enjoys a smooth and easy smoke. As the mildest cigar in the Matilde lineup, it offers a gentle, relaxing experience. Each puff delivers a sweet and creamy finish, making it a great choice to start your day or enjoy a calm moment. Buy a box of Matilde Serena cigars today!
Handmade in the Dominican Republic, the Matilde Serena Toro is wrapped in a beautiful Connecticut Shade leaf, known for its elegant appearance and smooth taste. Inside, it has a Dominican binder and a blend of top-quality Dominican and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, giving it a balanced flavor. The cigar burns evenly, has great construction, and draws perfectly, making it enjoyable from start to finish. If you're looking for a smooth and flavorful cigar, the Matilde Serena Toro is a great option and might become your new go-to smoke. Shop now!
Unique Blend Attributes: Matilde Serena Toro is wrapped in a beautiful Connecticut Shade leaf, known for its elegant appearance and smooth taste.
Strength Profile: Mild to Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Each puff delivers a sweet and creamy finish, making it a great choice to start your day or enjoy a calm moment."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Matilde Serena 85+ point ratings.
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: José Seijas
Owners: Tabacalera de Garcia
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