Surrogates is a line of premium cigars created by renowned cigar maker Pete Johnson and the L'Atelier team from Los Angeles, California. All cigars have Nicaraguan tobacco for the filler and binder, but feature different wrappers, names, and strengths. They include Bone Crusher, which features a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and measures 5" x 55; the Crystal Baller, with an Ecuador Habano wrapper and measures 5 3/4" x 56; the Skull Breaker, with a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and measures 5" x 52, and more. Each size is packaged in boxes of 20 and features the distinctive Surrogates band with a unique, themed design based on the name.
These unique cigars are meant for the adventurous smoker. If you're open to trying a variety of blends that are out of the norm, Surrogates are for you. Hand-rolled in Nicaragua under the supervision of the Garcia family, these sticks feature the highest quality tobacco while still maintaining a fair price tag. Strengths range from medium to full-bodied depending on the wrapper used. Find your favorite blend of Surrogates by L'Atelier cigars today!
Blend Details
Product Type: Premium handmade cigars.
Unique Blend Attributes: All of the cigars within the line feature different wrappers.
Strength Profile: Assorted.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "All of the sticks are unforgettable - not only because of the name but because of the flavors and aromas."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded multiple 90+ point ratings to Surrogates cigars.Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Don Pepin & Pete Johnson
Owners: Tatuaje Cigars Inc.
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13 Cigars
Surrogates Skull Breaker
Box of 20 | 52 x 5 1/4Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
Surrogates Bone Crusher
Box of 20 | 55 x 5 1/4Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
Surrogates Satin Glove
Box of 20 | 47 x 7Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
Surrogates Satin Glove 654
Box of 20 | 54 x 6Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
Surrogates Crystal Baller
Box of 20 | 56 x 5 3/4Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
Surrogates Tramp Stamp
Box of 20 | 48 x 5 1/4Original price was: $170.00.$153.00Current price is: $153.00.
Surrogates Animal Cracker
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $220.00.$198.00Current price is: $198.00.
Surrogates Animal Cracker 550
Box of 20 | 50 x 5Original price was: $180.00.$162.00Current price is: $162.00.
Surrogates Crystal Baller 646
Box of 20 | 46 x 6 1/2Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
Surrogates 7th Sam
Box of 20 | 48/52 x 6 3/4Original price was: $220.00.$198.00Current price is: $198.00.
Surrogates Eight Baller
Box of 20 | 56 x 5 3/4Original price was: $200.00.$180.00Current price is: $180.00.
Surrogates Cracker Crumbs
Multiple options | 38 x 4 1/2$15.75 – $157.50
Surrogates 6 Pack Sampler
Box of 6 | 50 x 5Original price was: $54.00.$48.60Current price is: $48.60.