Joya de Nicaragua Antano Gran Reserva cigars deliver a luxurious smoking experience. Crafted as a tribute to the original Antaño line, this Gran Reserva variant elevates the intensity and complexity. These Nicaraguan puros feature aged tobaccos that have been patiently matured for up to five years, showcasing the artistry of the master blenders. The wrapper is a gorgeously dark Nicaraguan Habano Criollo leaf, creating a striking visual appeal. The Gran Reserva maintains the signature strength of Joya de Nicaragua while introducing nuanced complexities. Expect a harmonious blend of spice, leather, and cedar, accentuated by hints of cocoa and roasted nuts.
The aging process contributes to a refined and smooth smoke, demonstrating the meticulous craftsmanship behind each cigar. The construction is flawless, ensuring an even burn and a firm ash that holds well. The Gran Reserva is not merely a cigar; it's a testament to Joya de Nicaragua's rich heritage and commitment to producing exceptional cigars. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer seeking a memorable experience, the Antano Gran Reserva stands as a testament to the brand's dedication to delivering excellence in every puff. Indulge in this sophisticated blend to savor the culmination of tradition, quality, and passion that defines Joya de Nicaragua.
Unique Blend Attributes: This blend features tobacco aged 2-3 years longer than the original Antaño line.
Strength Profile: Full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Upon lighting, the initial draw introduces a burst of bold flavors, setting the stage for a robust journey."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Joya de Nicaragua Antano Gran Reserva cigars multiple 90+ point ratings.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Juan Ignacio Martínez
Owner: Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca
You should also try Antaño Gran Reserva. To see all blends by this brand, please visit Joya de Nicaragua Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.