La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet cigars stand out as a true rarity, with LFD's limited use of aged Ligero Cameroon wrappers contributing to their exclusivity. Renowned among master cigar makers as a preferred choice, these cigars epitomize the art of blending. The dark and oily Cameroon Ligero wrapper is paired with meticulously chosen estate-aged Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, resulting in a smooth, full-bodied smoke that is a personal favorite of Litto Gomez himself. LFD's Cameroon Cabinet offers more than just enjoyment; it's a revelation of perfectly balanced richness and strength. Adding these exceptional cigars to your collection is a decision that promises to elevate your smoking experience.
The quality craftsmanship of the LFD Cameroon Cabinet is apparent from the first draw to the last, with consistent flavors and smooth smoke that exemplify the brand's commitment to excellence. The fact that both owner and son find these cigars irresistible throughout the day speaks volumes about their appeal. Don't miss the chance to experience the LFD Cameroon Cabinet – a cigar that demands to be tried and savored. If you're seeking a cigar that embodies the perfect balance of flavor, strength, and craftsmanship, La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet is a must-try. Adding these cigars to your humidor is a decision you won't regret, as each draw will transport you to a world of indulgence and sophistication. The allure of these cigars is undeniable, and they are bound to become a cherished favorite in your collection. Don't wait – secure your LFD Cameroon Cabinet cigars today and eagerly anticipate the next time you reach for a smoke.
Unique Blend Attributes: This is the owner's, Litto Gomez, favorite blend. Litto and son Tony cannot stop puffing on these all day. It is definitely worth finding out why.
Strength Profile: Medium to full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "The La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet Chisel brings a new flavor to the traditionally robust Chisel blend, showering the palate with notes of spices and nuts with a bit of leather and a sweet nougat finish."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded LFD Cameroon Cabinet multiple 90+ point ratings.
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blenders: Litto & Antonio Gomez
Owners: Litto & Ines Gomez
A variety of sizes are available, such as Chisel and Torpedo. For another fuller blend, try Air Bender. If you prefer a milder blend, try Reserva Especial instead. If you are interested in blends other than La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet by this brand, please visit LFD Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium to full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
7 Cigars
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Cameroon Cabinet No. 3
Box of 24 | 40 x 4 3/4Original price was: $153.60.$138.24Current price is: $138.24.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Cameroon Cabinet No. 4
Box of 24 | 54 x 6 1/4Original price was: $288.00.$259.20Current price is: $259.20.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Cameroon Cabinet No. 5
Box of 24 | 50 x 5Original price was: $256.80.$231.12Current price is: $231.12.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Cameroon Cabinet Lancero
Box of 20 | 38 x 7 1/2Original price was: $282.00.$253.80Current price is: $253.80.