Santa Damiana cigars are known for their distinctive yellow box in the Classic series. A name synonymous with high-quality cigars, always first class, and consistent in quality. Although initially Cuban cigars, this premium Dominican cigar sports a blonde Connecticut Shade wrapper and can boast a Dominican binder and filler leaves of the highest quality. These cigars have a mild to medium-bodied flavor with a light scent of wood, spices, nuts ad a creamy aftertaste. Rounding out this excellent and balanced cigar, the light Connecticut Shade grown wrapper creates the perfect combination. Undoubtedly, the cigar is visually lovely. Held in the highest regard by connoisseurs, these smokes are an excellent complement to your humidor and taste buds. A great and affordable cigar you won't want to miss. However, not available in any USA cigar shop. Buy Santa Damiana cigars online from La Romana at Cigar Country!
Santa Damiana Dominican Cigars are entirely hand-made at the famous Tabacalera de García, the world’s largest premium cigar factory in La Romana, and sold online. In fact, handcrafted and blended by the legendary Grupo de Maestros. Makers of world-renowned brands such as Monte Cristo, Romeo y Julieta, H. Upmann, and VegaFina. Santa Damiana Cigars debuted in Cuba and then relaunched the Classic Dominican version in 1992. Santa Damiana is now masterfully crafted and blended with a smooth wrapper and specially aged, hand-selected tobaccos in the Dominican Republic. It promises uncomplicated and harmonious smoking pleasure. Santa Damiana cigars are beautifully silky-smooth; a must-have for your humidor. Nonetheless a classic Dominican cigar, perfect for those who prefer a milder smoking experience. It has a distinctively creamy taste that never goes unnoticed. So try them today!
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7 Cigars
Santa Damiana Classic Coronas Glass Tube
Box of 10 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $87.85.$79.06Current price is: $79.06.
Santa Damiana Classic Short Robusto
Box of 25 | 50 x 4Original price was: $174.29.$156.86Current price is: $156.86.
Santa Damiana Classic Corona
Box of 25 | 42 x 5 1/2Original price was: $165.84.$149.26Current price is: $149.26.
Santa Damiana Classic Churchill
Box of 25 | 48 x 7Original price was: $204.34.$183.90Current price is: $183.90.
Santa Damiana Classic Gigante
Box of 25 | 60 x 6Original price was: $222.37.$200.13Current price is: $200.13.
Santa Damiana Classic Torpedo
Box of 25 | 50 x 6Original price was: $246.41.$221.77Current price is: $221.77.
Santa Damiana Classic Robusto
Box of 25 | 50 x 5Original price was: $176.63.$158.97Current price is: $158.97.