PDR Cigars comes straight from Tamboril, Dominican Republic. Ever since its establishment in 2004, PDR has consistently made impeccable smokes. Under Master Blender Abe Flores' guidance, PDR Cigars only use the highest quality tobaccos from DR, Nicaragua, Brazil, Ecuador, and the USA. Moreover, they use a sophisticated Cuban technique called "Entubado," which involves bunching the filler tobacco in a special way. You should definitely try the original PDR 1878 Recordando A Santiago Edition cigars with Natural, Oscuro, Sungrown, and Maduro wrappers. If you're a coffee fanatic, the PDR 1878 Roast Cafe cigars for sale are certainly for you. Undecided? Try the Fresh Packs, which include a variety of samplers! Whichever blend you decide to buy will enamor you.
PDR's selection of elite cigars for sale will, without a doubt, impress you - Abe Flores has made sure of it. The factory manufactures other brands but also carries its very own line of PDR blends. Previously known as Pinar Del Río, they rebranded to Puros Dominican Republic in order to honor and represent the country it resides in. Nevertheless, they have been breaking records for over a decade. Cigar Aficionado consistently rates its blends with 90+ point ratings. They were even nominated for the 2013 Cigar Trophy. Truly, the PDR factory rolls each stogie with extreme craftsmanship and quality. As they love to say, "Fumalo, Tigre!" Buy now, from Cigar Country!
To learn more about PDR cigars and its factory in Tamboril, visit the brand's website. If you'd like to explore other brands, check out our brands list. Lastly, you can also return to the homepage.
130 Cigars
PDR Small Batch Reserve Maduro Torpedo
Box of 24 | 52 x 6 1/2Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
PDR Small Batch Reserve Maduro Churchill
Box of 24 | 54 x 7Original price was: $200.00.$180.00Current price is: $180.00.
PDR Small Batch Reserve Maduro Double Magnum
Box of 24 | 60 x 6Original price was: $231.00.$207.90Current price is: $207.90.
PDR Small Batch Reserve Maduro Fundadores
Box of 24 | 38 x 6Original price was: $132.00.$118.80Current price is: $118.80.
PDR Small Batch Reserve Maduro Wicked Pug No. 1
Box of 12 | 60 x 4Original price was: $108.00.$97.20Current price is: $97.20.
PDR Small Batch Reserve Maduro Wicked Pug No. 2
Box of 12 | 60 x 5Original price was: $126.00.$113.40Current price is: $113.40.
PDR Small Batch Reserve Maduro Wicked Pug No. 3
Box of 12 | 60 x 6Original price was: $144.00.$129.60Current price is: $129.60.
PDR A Flores 1975 Gran Reserva Desflorado Purito
5 tins of 5 | 34 x 4Original price was: $142.66.$128.39Current price is: $128.39.
PDR Toro Fresh Pack Sampler
Multiple options | 52 x 6$39.47 – $197.32
PDR A. Flores 1975 Gran Reserva Corojo 2006 Purito
Multiple options | 34 x 4 1/2$25.67 – $128.39