Oscar Valladares Cigars embodies the spirit of innovation and passion for premium cigar-making. With a commitment to quality and creativity, this brand has quickly gained recognition in the cigar industry. Each cigar is meticulously crafted with the finest tobacco leaves, showcasing the expertise and dedication of the Valladares team. The brand is known for its unique and eye-catching packaging, such as the iconic "The Leaf" cigar, which is wrapped in a tobacco leaf instead of cellophane. This innovative approach not only adds to the visual appeal but also contributes to the aging and flavor profile of the cigar. The flavor profiles of OV cigars are diverse and captivating. From their medium-bodied offerings with notes of cedar, pepper, and coffee, to their full-bodied blends with rich cocoa, earth, and leather undertones, there is a cigar to suit every palate. Whether you prefer a smooth and mellow smoke or a more robust and complex experience, they deliver exceptional consistency.
In addition to their standard line, Oscar Valladares has collaborated with other renowned cigar makers to create limited edition releases, further showcasing their creativity and passion for the craft. These limited editions offer unique flavor profiles and showcase the brand's willingness to push boundaries and explore new horizons. Overall, OV cigars offer a memorable and satisfying smoking experience that combines innovation, quality craftsmanship, and flavorful blends. Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, Oscar Valladares is a brand worth exploring and enjoying.
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The Oscar by Oscar Valladares Maduro Sixty
Box of 11 | 60 x 6Original price was: $154.00.$138.60Current price is: $138.60.
The Oscar by Oscar Valladares Habano Robusto
Box of 11 | 50 x 5Original price was: $129.80.$116.82Current price is: $116.82.
The Oscar by Oscar Valladares Habano Toro
Box of 11 | 52 x 6Original price was: $141.90.$127.71Current price is: $127.71.
The Oscar by Oscar Valladares Habano Sixty
Box of 11 | 60 x 6Original price was: $154.00.$138.60Current price is: $138.60.
Oscar Valladares Wild Hunter Oscuro Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $200.00.$180.00Current price is: $180.00.
Oscar Valladares Collection Edition 6-Cigar Sampler
Box of 6 | AssortedOriginal price was: $60.00.$54.00Current price is: $54.00.
Oscar Valladares Collection Edition 12-Cigar Sampler
Box of 12 | AssortedOriginal price was: $142.00.$127.80Current price is: $127.80.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Connecticut Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $186.00.$167.40Current price is: $167.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Connecticut Sixty
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $204.00.$183.60Current price is: $183.60.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Connecticut Torpedo
Box of 20 | 52 x 6 1/2Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Maduro Short Robusto
Box of 20 | 52 x 4Original price was: $136.00.$122.40Current price is: $122.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Corojo Short Robusto
Box of 20 | 52 x 4Original price was: $136.00.$122.40Current price is: $122.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra Short Robusto
Box of 20 | 50 x 4Original price was: $136.00.$122.40Current price is: $122.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Maduro Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $186.00.$167.40Current price is: $167.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Maduro Sixty
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $204.00.$183.60Current price is: $183.60.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Maduro Torpedo
Box of 20 | 52 x 6 1/2Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Corojo Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $186.00.$167.40Current price is: $167.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Corojo Sixty
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $204.00.$183.60Current price is: $183.60.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Corojo Torpedo
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $190.00.$171.00Current price is: $171.00.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $186.00.$167.40Current price is: $167.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra Sixty
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $204.00.$183.60Current price is: $183.60.