La Habanera Cigars, a product of La Tabacalera C. por A., is the first handmade cigar brand created in the Dominican Republic. As a matter of fact, the Tabacalera cigar factory introduced the mild La Habanera Cigarros in 1902 with silky smooth caramel colored aged Connecticut wrapper. The filler and binder long leaf tobaccos in these premium cigars grow from Cuban and Dominican seeds in El Cibao, Dominican Republic's mineral-rich valleys. The combination of both sun-grown and shade-grown tobacco leaves created this high-quality blend. This cigar pairs perfectly with a summer evening and a glass of Dominican rum. Buy La Habanera Cigars, found exclusively at Cigar Country.
As the first established cigar brand of the Dominican Republic, La Habanera Cigars are undeniably a vintage delicacy and symbol of Dominican tradition. They are handmade by the most experienced cigar artisans of the DR, truly rolling each one to perfection. Regardless of size, every cigar will make you feel as if you're traveling back in time when smoking it. You can certainly taste Dominican culture and history in each cigar. Without a doubt, these iconic flavorful cigars are perfect for those who enjoy diversity with an array of sizes and shapes. A variety of sizes, including Diplomaticos, a Corona, and Selectos, a Panatela, are available. We highly recommend adding one of these vintage cigars to your collection.
Unique Blend Attributes: A combination of vintage Dominican and Cuban seed tobacco from the Dominican Republic's best valleys. A mild-bodied classic.
Strength Profile: Mild-Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Overall incredibly well-built and burns evenly. They include a creamy yet smooth taste balanced against mild-bodied flavors of cedar and leather. "
Accolades: The first cigar brand of the Dominican Republic.
Born in: Santiago, Dominican Republic
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: La Tabacalera, C. por A.
Owners: Japan Tobacco, Inc.
La Tabacalera C. por A. also makes the Vega Real Cigars - you can buy them and La Habanera cigars at Cigar Country. Lastly, you may explore other mild to medium-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
12 Cigars
La Habanera Presidentes
Box of 10 | 50 x 7 1/2Original price was: $52.88.$47.60Current price is: $47.60.
La Habanera Churchills
Box of 10 | 46 x 6 7/8Original price was: $48.24.$43.42Current price is: $43.42.
La Habanera Diplomaticos
Box of 10 | 44 x 6Original price was: $44.40.$39.96Current price is: $39.96.
La Habanera Emperadores
Box of 10 | 50 x 5 1/2Original price was: $45.48.$40.93Current price is: $40.93.
La Habanera Especiales
Multiple options | 30 x 5$35.82 – $72.61
La Habanera Selectos
Box of 10 | 36 x 7Original price was: $44.56.$40.10Current price is: $40.10.
La Habanera Elegantes
Box of 10 | 42 x 6 3/4Original price was: $46.68.$42.01Current price is: $42.01.
La Habanera Puritanos
Box of 10 | 42 x 5 3/4Original price was: $45.60.$41.04Current price is: $41.04.
La Habanera Tubos Cristales
Box of 20 | 42 x 6 3/4Original price was: $103.00.$92.70Current price is: $92.70.
La Habanera Tubos de Aluminio Verde
Box of 20 | 44 x 6Original price was: $110.88.$99.79Current price is: $99.79.
La Habanera Tubos de Aluminio Diplomaticos
Box of 20 | 44 x 6Original price was: $118.96.$107.06Current price is: $107.06.
La Habanera Tubos de Aluminio Emperadores
Box of 20 | 50 x 5 1/2Original price was: $123.68.$111.31Current price is: $111.31.