Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust, founded by industry veteran Steve Saka, has quickly risen to prominence in the world of premium cigars. Established in 2015, this boutique cigar company prioritizes quality over quantity. At the heart of Dunbarton's philosophy is a commitment to using only the finest and most meticulously selected tobaccos. The company believes that the tobacco's origin, its priming, and even the specific plant from which it's harvested all contribute to the overall flavor profile of a cigar.
One of Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust's standout lines is the Sobremesa Brulee, a name that translates to "over the table" in Spanish, reflecting the joy of conversation and camaraderie that cigars often bring. Sobremesa cigars are handcrafted in Nicaragua, featuring a luscious Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, a Mexican Matacapan Negro de Temporal binder, and a blend of Nicaraguan fillers. The result is a rich, balanced smoke with notes of cocoa, leather, and spice. Sin Compromiso is also a notable addition to its portfolio, further solidifying its reputation for exceptional cigars. Meaning "without compromise" in Spanish, Sin Compromiso reflects Steve Saka's unwavering dedication to quality and his refusal to compromise on any aspect of the cigar-making process. This ultra-premium line features a luscious Maduro Mexican San Andres wrapper, a Habano Ecuador binder, and a rich blend of USA Pennsylvanian & Nicaraguan fillers, including a rare hybrid leaf grown on Saka's own farms. The meticulous attention to detail in the selection and aging of these tobaccos results in a cigar of unparalleled complexity and depth.
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