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Davidoff Primeros

Davidoff Primeros are short, Dominican beauties. Davidoff considers these cigars a 15-minute adventure. In fact, they include the blends Maduro, Escurio, Classic, Nicaragua, and Nicaragua Maduro. These Petit Panatelas are certainly perfect for those on the move who still want to enjoy a worthwhile and flavorful smoke. The blends vary in the filler, wrapper, and binder. Davidoff Primeros also come in aluminum tins, which makes them great for traveling. Fill your day with short adventures, and buy a tin today!

The Nicaraguan cigars feature Nicaraguan and Dominican filler, an Ecuadorian binder, and a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The Nicaragua Maduro cigars, however, sport a Sumatra Mexican wrapper. The Primeros Classic features a Dominican binder and filler with an Ecuadorian wrapper. Primeros Maduro contains a Dominican filler, a Peruvian binder, and an Ecuadorian wrapper. Lastly, Primeros Escurio features Brazilian and Dominican filler, a Brazilian Cubra binder, and an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. Moreover, these short smokes are 34 x 4 1/8". So try all Davidoff Primeros and find your favorite 15-minute Dominican adventure. Available at Cigar Country!


Unique Blend Attributes: Davidoff Primeros has various blends in a Petit Panatela format that are perfect for short smokes.

Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Each blend is spectacular. The length is perfect for my lunch break every day."

Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff Cigars multiple 90+ point ratings, try them in short bursts with Primeros!

Made in: Dominican Republic

Master Blender: Hendrik "Henke" Kelner

Owners: Oettinger Davidoff AG

Try the original Nicaragua blend instead! You can also explore all blends by visiting Davidoff Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium to full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.

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