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Davidoff Limited Edition

Davidoff Limited Edition cigars are some of the most exclusive smokes out there - each one has its own unique story. Since only the best of the best tobacco is good enough for these releases, Davidoff limits production to small quantities. Only 1 out of every ten plant seeds is good enough for a regular Davidoff cigar. Imagine these unique blends! In truth, very few tobacco leaves receive the approval of the master blenders. They carefully select every single ingredient and approve of every mix. Sit back and enjoy Davidoff's many stories. Undoubtedly, these cigars are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Try these special blends today!

Davidoff constantly reinvents their limited edition blends. They vary in strength, flavors, sizes, tobaccos, and more. Moreover, they draw inspiration from previous blends, the world, and history - truly remarkable combinations. Undoubtedly, the most popular and consistent series is the Chinese New Year blends which debuted in 2011. In fact, every year Davidoff releases a new blend based on the Chinese zodiac calendar. The latest release, Davidoff Year of the Ox 2021, is a full-flavored blend. The Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021 is also full-flavored and draws inspiration from their Winston Churchill blend. So add these unique cigars to your humidor, ready for your next special occasion. Available at Cigar Country!


Unique Lind Attributes: Davidoff Limited Edition cigars debut in minimal quantities.

Strength Profile: Assorted

Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Each Davidoff Limited Edition release is certainly spectacular. You can taste a combination of flavors that cannot be found in any other smoke."

Accolades: Cigar Aficionado has awarded Davidoff cigars with multiple 90+ point ratings.

Made in: Dominican Republic

Master Blender: Hendrik "Henke" Kelner

Owners: Oettinger Davidoff AG

For a non-limited blend, try Grand Cru instead! If you are interested in other, regular production blends by this brand, please visit Davidoff Cigars. Lastly, you may explore all rare cigars or return to the homepage.

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