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Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour

Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour cigars pay homage to the late-night creativity of Winston Churchill, the renowned politician and Prime Minister. Introduced in 2017 as a follow-up to the original Winston Churchill blend released in 2015, The Late Hour Series offers an exceptional smoking experience. What sets this blend apart is its innovative aging process, where the Condega Visus tobacco undergoes a six-month aging period in single malt Scotch whiskey barrels. During this time, the tobacco leaves absorb the rich aromas and flavors of the whiskey, resulting in a complex and flavorful profile.

Available in Churchill, Toro, and Robusto sizes, the Late Hour lineup offers a classic selection for enthusiasts seeking the quintessential Winston Churchill experience. Each cigar features a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, a Mexican binder, and an Ecuadorian Habano Marron Oscuro wrapper. The darker hue of The Late Hour cigars compared to the original blend reflects its bolder and more intense flavor profile, inspired by Churchill's unwavering passion and determination. Designed for those who thrive during the nocturnal hours, this blend is sure to inspire creativity and contemplation throughout long nights. Discover the allure of Davidoff's Winston Churchill The Late Hour blend and ignite your creativity with every puff. Try it today and experience the essence of Winston Churchill's spirit and legacy.

Blend Details

Unique Blend Attributes: Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour cigars use Condega Visus tobacco aged in whiskey barrels.

Strength Profile: Medium to full

Master Blender Tasting Notes: "The whiskey barrel-aging was an amazing touch. The flavors of this blend are intense and bold. Moreover, the wood and spices from the whiskey can be tasted in each puff."

Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour multiple 85+ point ratings.

Made in: Dominican Republic

Master Blender: Hendrik "Henke" Kelner

Owners: Oettinger Davidoff AG

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