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Davidoff Assortments & Samplers

Davidoff Cigar Assortments & Samplers are some of the most elegantly packaged cigars. Curious about Davidoff stogies, or simply enjoying many of their blends? These Davidoff cigar sampler boxes are perfect for you. So get a taste of what the master blenders have to offer with these carefully curated assortment packs. In fact, they feature Davidoff's highest-quality blends, hand-selecting the best cigars and placing them in boxes or packs. These are perfect for gifts, traveling, or simply treating yourself. Turn any day into a special occasion with one of these samplers. Available at Cigar Country!

There are various Davidoff cigar assortments, such as the Gift Selection and the Assortment Tubos. The Gift Selection features 9 premium cigars from the Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario, and Millennium blends. However, the Assortment Tubos feature 3 cigars in sleek tubes from the Signature and Aniversario blends. Both Davidoff sampler boxes consist of a variety of sizes, strengths, flavors, and shapes. Each Davidoff cigar assortment is sure to leave you wanting more. It's certainly the best way to find your favorite blend!


Unique Line Attributes: Davidoff cigar assortment is a perfect way to sample your way through cigar blends made by this luxurious brand. Ideal for traveling, gifting, or even just pampering yourself.

Master Blender Tasting Notes: "A plethora of flavors, varying in strengths and tastes. Each blend is unique and incredibly delicious. They're all worth trying."

Accolades: Davidoff cigar assortments offer a variety of packs that allow you to explore different sizes and flavors. Undeniably perfect for those who love exploring and are feeling a little adventurous. Read Cigar Aficionado's reviews!

Made in: Dominican Republic

Master Blender: Hendrik "Henke" Kelner

Owners: Oettinger Davidoff AG

Too many choices? You can narrow your search by using our filter options. For limited cigars, try Royal Release instead! You can also explore all blends by visiting Davidoff Cigars. Check out all premium samplers as well! Lastly, you may return to the homepage.

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