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Cohiba Nicaragua

Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are a captivating addition to the prestigious Cohiba portfolio, revered for its dedication to crafting cigars of utmost quality and distinction. These cigars showcase the rich flavors of Nicaraguan tobacco in a way that appeals to seasoned aficionados and newcomers alike. At the heart of this blend is a carefully selected Nicaraguan binder and blend of Nicaraguan filler tobacco from the country's top-growing regions. Nicaragua's volcanic soil and ideal climate impart unique characteristics to the tobacco, resulting in a medium to full-bodied smoking experience filled with complexity and depth. A dark, oily sun-grown Colorado Oscuro wrapper encases the blend, adding a layer of richness and flavor. The overall taste is robust and satisfying, making it a favorite among connoisseurs of Nicaraguan cigars.

These cigars are expertly crafted in Nicaragua, where skilled artisans ensure the precise construction and consistency of each cigar. This craftsmanship guarantees a smooth draw and even burn, allowing smokers to fully appreciate the blend's intricate flavors. The packaging reflects the brand's commitment to luxury and elegance. Each cigar is presented in a beautifully designed box, bearing the iconic Cohiba logo and signaling its status as a premium offering. Cohiba Nicaragua cigars are a testament to the brand's pursuit of excellence. They provide a captivating journey through the rich flavors of Nicaraguan tobacco, making them a must-try for enthusiasts seeking a top-tier smoking experience. Shop now for a box!


Unique Blend Attributes: This is the brand's first Nicaraguan cigar.

Strength Profile: Medium to full

Master Blender Tasting Notes: "A burst of peppery spice, accompanied by deep notes of dark chocolate and coffee. The blend is beautifully balanced, making it a go-to choice for aficionados who crave intensity and complexity in their cigars."

Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Cohiba Nicaragua multiple 85+ point ratings.

Made in: Nicaragua

Master Blenders: Daniel Nunez

Owners: General Cigar Company

You should also try Cohiba Black. You can also explore all blends by visiting Cohiba Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium to full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.

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