Cohiba Royale cigar is a prestigious addition to the Cohiba lineup. This cigar is the embodiment of luxury, offering aficionados a truly regal smoking journey. At the heart of this blend is an exquisite selection of tobaccos sourced from the most fertile and sought-after regions of the Caribbean and Central America. The filler tobacco hails from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua, carefully selected for its quality and flavor. Cohiba Royal's binder is Piloto Cubano. This combination creates a medium to full-bodied profile that's both complex and balanced, appealing to a wide range of palates.
What distinguishes Cohiba Royale is its captivating wrapper leaf. A lustrous Nicaraguan Jalapa wrapper, grown exclusively for this cigar, envelopes the blend. Every aspect of the smoking experience is exceptional, from the perfect draw to the even burn and the formation of beautiful ash. Cohiba Royal is presented in elegantly designed boxes that underscore its exclusivity. Cohiba Royale represents the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship and luxury. It is a cigar designed for those who appreciate the finer things in life and seek an extraordinary smoking experience. With its unique blend, captivating wrapper, and meticulous construction, Cohiba Royale stands as a testament to Cohiba's enduring legacy of excellence in the world of cigars.
Unique Blend Attributes: The packaging features a distinctive holographic logo, signifying the cigar's status as a premium and collectible release.
Strength Profile: Medium to full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "This wrapper imparts a rich and spicy character to the cigar, with notes of leather, cedar, and dark chocolate."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Cohiba Royale multiple 85+ point ratings.
Made in: Honduras
Master Blenders: Daniel Nunez
Owners: General Cigar Company
You should also try Cohiba Riviera. You can also explore all blends by visiting Cohiba Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium to full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.