Alec Bradley Prensado cigars have gained a well-deserved reputation for their exceptional craftsmanship and rich, complex flavors. Cigar Aficionado awarded it the #1 Cigar of the Year award in 2011. This blend features a Honduran Corojo wrapper, which is often described as one of the finest and most flavorful tobacco leaves in the world. This wrapper is grown in the fertile Trojes region of Honduras and aged for an extended period to enhance its depth and character. The result is a stunningly dark and oily wrapper leaf that promises a robust smoking experience.
Beneath this impressive wrapper, the blend features a carefully chosen combination of Nicaraguan and Honduran long-fillers, held together by a Nicaraguan binder. They're hand-rolled at Raices Cubanas factory in Honduras. The meticulous construction ensures a perfect draw and even burn, allowing you to savor every nuance of the cigar's profile. The complexity and balance of flavors make it a delightful choice for both seasoned cigar enthusiasts and those looking to explore the world of bold, rich cigars. With its consistently high ratings and numerous accolades, Alec Bradley Prensado has firmly established itself as one of the most celebrated and sought-after cigars in the industry, making it a must-try for any cigar connoisseur.
Unique Blend Attributes: These sticks showcase gorgeous Trojes Honduran wrappers.
Strength Profile: Medium to full-bodied.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "When you light up an Alec Bradley Prensado cigar, you'll be greeted with a full-bodied smoke characterized by notes of leather, dark chocolate, coffee, and a hint of spice. "
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Alec Bradley Prensado multiple 90+ point ratings.
Made in: Honduras
Master Blenders: Alan Rubin
Owners: Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG)
You should also try the Magic Toast blend. You can also explore all blends by visiting Alec Bradley Cigars. Lastly, you may return to the homepage.6 Cigars
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Alec Bradley Prensado Double Toro
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Alec Bradley Prensado Corona Gorda
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Alec Bradley Prensado Robusto
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Alec Bradley Prensado Torpedo
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