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Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua

Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua cigars are a remarkable addition to the Aging Room portfolio, capturing the essence of Nicaraguan tobaccos in a blend. Developed by Rafael Nodal in collaboration with AJ Fernandez, these cigars showcase the harmonious fusion of Nodal's expertise in blending and Fernandez's mastery of Nicaraguan tobaccos. The wrapper is a Nicaraguan Sumatra leaf, lending the cigars a captivating combination of spiciness and richness. This harmonizes with the Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos, resulting in a medium to full-bodied smoke that delivers a complex array of flavors.

The Quattro Nicaragua line draws its name from the "Quattro" series, which has been a hallmark of Aging Room's success. The cigars are handcrafted in Nicaragua, using meticulously aged tobacco that reflects the brand's commitment to the aging process. These cigars have garnered accolades from both critics and aficionados, with high ratings that underscore the blend's exceptional qualities. The construction is impeccable, ensuring a smooth draw and even burn. Whether you're a seasoned cigar connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua line offers a captivating experience that showcases the best of Nicaraguan tobacco. It's a testament to the brand's dedication to creating cigars that resonate with enthusiasts seeking depth, character, and a true embodiment of the art of cigar making.


Unique Blend Attributes: These are Nicaraguan puros.

Strength Profile: Medium to full

Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Notes of earth, cedar, pepper, and cocoa are interwoven throughout the smoking experience, providing a sensory journey that evolves with each puff."

Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua cigars multiple 90+ point ratings.

Made in: Nicaragua

Master Blenders: Rafael Nodal & AJ Fernandez

Owners: Altadis USA

Sizes range from 50 x 5" to 50 x 7". You should also check out Quattro Nicaragua Sonata! You can also explore all blends by visiting Aging Room Cigars. Lastly, you may return to the homepage.

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